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What is the minimum font size for PowerPoint

Choose the right font size for your presentations


Jérôme Bestel

Updated on

March 18, 2025

Created on

January 28, 2025


Design Tips

What is the minimum font size for PowerPoint

Font size on PowerPoint is an important aspect to consider when creating your presentation. It can have an impact on the readability of your content and on the reading experience of your audience.

Consider the majority use of your presentation (oral or written) or both.

First, it's important to note that the recommended font size may differ depending on how your presentation is used. If you plan to present your slideshow orally, it is recommended that you use a larger font so that your audience can easily follow your presentation. On the other hand, if your presentation is meant to be read, a smaller font may be acceptable, as people will take the time to read each slide carefully.

Don't necessarily use the same font size for all titles and bodies of text

It is also important not to always use the same font size for titles and body text, contrary to what current use may suggest. If you have a short title, you can use a larger font to highlight it. For body text, it is recommended to adapt the font size to the length of the content. If you have a lot of text to include, you may need to use a smaller font to fit everything on a single slide. The Web is a perfect example since text styles are often numerous on a given page (up to 6 to 8 styles and sizes to cover all needs). Using title sizes based on their length will allow you to create original compositions based on writing and text and will give you more design options.

The size of the dot font is not the only factor to take into account to make text legible.

The font rendering size may also vary depending on the font used. Some fonts are designed to be read at smaller sizes, while others are more difficult to read at smaller sizes. It is therefore important to choose a font adapted to your content and the use of your presentation in order to improve its accessibility and readability. Our powerpoint design agency assists its customers in choosing the right font size on its deliverables.

On what medium will your presentation be displayed?

Consider screen size and presentation distance: Screen size and presentation distance can affect the readability of your presentation. If you're using a big screen or if your audience is far away from the screen, you can use a smaller font. On the other hand, if you use a small screen or if your audience is close to the screen, you may need to use a larger font. The use of the PowerPoint mobile application on iOS or Android is becoming more and more common, think of reading on small screens as well.

Our recommendations for the ideal minimum font size for PowerPoint

Here are our minimum size recommendations according to the uses of your presentation:

  • For an oral presentation: Use a font of 24 points or more for the titles and a font of 18 points or more for the body text.
  • For a readable presentation: Use a font of 18 points or more for titles and a font of 14 points or more for body text.

It is important to remember that these recommendations are minimums and that you can adjust the font size according to your needs and the design of your presentation. Feel free to experiment to find the font size that best fits your content and audience.

Using these tips, you should be able to choose an appropriate font size for your PowerPoint presentation that will be easy to read and fun to look at. Remember to test different font sizes to find the one that best fits your presentation.

Find our article on how to create a beautiful presentation based on font only.

In conclusion, font size on PowerPoint is an important aspect to consider when creating your presentation. It can have an impact on the readability of your content and on the experience of your audience.

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