Slidor is ranked No. 2 in the world among the best PowerPoint Agencies according to MasterBundles
Our first appearance in an international ranking
Jérôme Bestel
Updated on
January 29, 2025
Created on
January 28, 2025

We are happy to rank No. 2 among the best PowerPoint agencies globally, based on the recent ranking established by MasterBundles. This international recognition confirms our French expertise in design and professional presentations.
MasterBundles was ranked according to various selection criteria, highlighting the expertise, creativity and quality of services provided by the agencies evaluated. Among these criteria were the objectives of Powerpoint agencies, the quality of their renderings and the speed in producing presentations, as well as the cost of producing a presentation.
Slidor is in second place out of a total of 24 agencies surveyed. This performance is all the more remarkable as only two French agencies are among the ranking, testifying to Slidor's international reputation in terms of presentation design, as evidenced by the numerous clients abroad who use our services.
The Slidor team would like to thank its customers and partners for their trust and support, which contributed significantly to this success. Building on this recognition, Slidor is committed to continuing its efforts to offer ever more innovative services and unique customer experiences.